Jonathan Taing

CS Student at CU Boulder

Contact: taingj (at) gmail.com


  • Photobiomodulation Device: Reverse engineered a Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) device called the Vielight and modified it to work at higher frequencies.
  • Athletic Timing System: Designed and built a wireless athletic timing system to measure sprint times of athletes for training and racing. Timing system was built on the Arduino Platform. Knowledge of OS functions such as hardware and software interrupts were used in the design considerations for ver precise (<.1 ms) timing.
  • Game for Measuring Sustained Attention: Designed and built a game used to measure a person's capacity for sustained attention. The game was designed around the go/no go test principles commonly used in engineering and psychology. The game was built using Python and the Pygame library, a set of python modules designed for writing games.

About Me

Currently seeking a software engineering internship for Summer of 2021